Saturday, February 21, 2009

Where are you?

Greetings to all!

I have been missing the communciation with you. I have clicked on the blog several times only to find no comments from the readers. I notice that there are now 12 followers of the blog. Wonderful!

I enjoy connecting with others and reading their input. It is great to have that communication.
However, as much as I enjoy it, there is none at this time. I miss it. I keep checking and there are no comments. The Holy Spirit so sweetly brought something to my attention. This is how God feels when He desires to talk to us! God keeps trying to communicate, but often it is one sided. He is trying to share, but we are not responding! We are often too busy, tired, or following our own plan to communicate with God. The way I feel about the commnicators on my blog reminded me that God wants a communication line with us 24/7. He wants to converse with us and help us through life. However, it is sad to say, but how often do we just not take the time to communicate. Maybe we do communicate, but we give God our "needs"lists to God, check it off and move on.

I have missed my blog followers. I am concerned about what is going on in each persons life, but as concerned as I am, God is even more so! He is waiting for you to talk to him. I challenge you to examine your communication relationship with God. Are you communicating or are you too busy? Take time to talk to God. Make him a priority today.

Rejoice always. pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17.

Blessings to you. I look forward to us reconnecting again on the blog world!


Monday, February 9, 2009

Free to be a Princess

Happy Valentine's Day!

May you be encouraged all week in God's love for you. As a child of God, you are His Princess and he is enthralled with your beauty. You are so beautiful to God. He takes great delight in you and rejoices over you with singing... He is so overtaken by you! What a great love! No one on earth can match that love for you.

I don't know your situation this Valentine's, but God does. You can rejoice in God's love no matter what man rejoices over you. You are loved.

Scripture references: Psalms 45: 11, Zephaniah 3: 17, 1 John 3:1

As women we often search for love to make us "feel" special. Many times we go about it all the wrong ways and sometimes in the wrong places. We have to come to realize the truth that we already are special. We are special to God. Often in our self-esteem we don't feel anything like a Princess. Oh, but we are! We can not go by our feelings we must live by truth. Feelings will leave us looking to the husband to love us like a Princess and he may not do that. He could, but what if on a given day he doesn't? However, in God's love and discovering who we are, we can rest in the fact that we are God's Princess. Truth is we are loved and that love never changes. And to prove He loved me so much that He sent Jesus - Our King!

We don't need others to validate or affirm us in who we are. We can discover who we are in Christ. We can establish true-esteem in our life. I challenge you to go to the scriptures this week and let the Holy Spirit affirm his love for you.

Make this Valentine's one to remember with your TRUE LOVE. Your husband may forget or he may not treat you like you want, but you can know the truth. Maybe you are single or going through a difficult marriage and wishing Valentine's Day would disappear. I don't know what it is for you, but I do know God will lavish His love on you as His daughter. Will you search for a true love? A True love that will love unconditionally and take delight in you as His Princess.

You are loved. You are beautiful and your God is rejoicing over you with singing. What a great encouragement as we celebrate the "Love Month"! Nothing can be greater than God's love for you. Receive it this week!

Living free and loved as a Princess of God,


Live Free!

So, if the Sons sets you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:36