Thursday, May 29, 2008

A word to mom's of teenage boys

I thought I would share something that was very interesting as the mother of a teenage boy. Pass it along if you like it applies to both boys and girls.

I am reading a book titled Shaping the Man inside the Teenage Boy, surviving and enjoying these extraordinary years by Bill Beausay. It is really a great book and I recommend it to all who have a teenage boy!!

To paraphrase, the author stated that “…he learned a lot from an interview with a big drug lord”. He asked how he could get so many kids to come his way. What is it that you do to attract them? The reply was “I am there". I am at their school, on the streets and every where they are. You (the parent or the church) are not! I AM! I, the drug lord, am willing to talk, listen etc. How about the parent? In other words the drug lord is right where they are getting involved. Where are the parents?

His suggestion is that parents need an in your face approach to getting involved in their sons life. If parents don't someone else will. How often do parents drop kids off at school, football games, events, etc. and never look back - and even church youth events? How about parties or kid hang outs where the parents have never checked into the other kids or the place???

Made me stop and think. Do I want to be involved or leave the door open for someone else to???? HMMMM. Parents of teenagers in this age need to WAKE UP!!!

Just thought I would share and you could pass this along to parents of teens.

Lesia Glick


Erin Crumley said...

So true! They act like they don't want you involved but it's so important to know their friends and what they are doing just as much or even more than with younger children.
I need to borrow that book when your through!!

Rose said...

Keep it up! God's guiding your words to help all of us women. As far as teenage boys, speaking from experience, give them room to grow and trust your God guideness in their lives while they were younger. But always keep communication line open with them about God and His direction for their life.

Cindy said...

Hey Leisa,great blog,I think we all can use a more positive out look with ourselves & other people.

Live Free!

So, if the Sons sets you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:36