Friday, January 9, 2009

I will, I will, I will do what?

I will lose 30 pounds this year, I will start an exercise program, or I will spend more time with my family are popular resolutions for the New Year. I will, I will, I will forget by the end of January what resolutions even are. So, why make them? The New Year brings about a sense of newness and renewal that we humans all want to tap into. We try to change and make promises, but to no avail we fail. Few may succeed, with great strength and determination, but not near enough. I myself, decided years ago not to even bother with a resolution. However, I do make commitments. Why commitments and not resolutions? My commitments come through my convictions, corrections and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Not what I want, but what He wants. Resolutions come from my own desire and will just because it is the thing to do at New Years, right?

Commitments made by the prompting of the Holy Spirit are not easily broken. Commitments to God far out weigh a simple resolution I can make to myself. I mean, come on, do you think I will discipline myself when I do wrong? Oh no! But God! He will lovingly correct me and set me on track when I get off course from the commitment that I have made to Him. With the New Year, I have made some fresh commitments that only came by the direction of the Holy Spirit. I need to be a willing vessel to change what He wants and not what I think is good for me. I know that when I honor God with my commitments, keeping my vows, He will honor me with the strength, determination and a sense of loyalty to persevere. With God on my side, I win! He encourages me more than a bunch of resolutions that I can make, break, and soon forget they existed. If it not something I plan to do all the time.. . Why bother with it?

Here are my questions for you: Have you asked God this New Year about what needs to happen in your life? If so, have you listened and made a true commitment to change and obey His direction? Or, do you like to make resolutions because everyone else does and you want to fit in the crowd? I challenge you to dare to be different and make a commitment to change what the Holy Spirit leads you to. You will be blessed and rewarded. What you honor God with, He will honor in your life as well.

Make your renewed commitment today. Pledge your loyalty to listen and obey what God is calling you to do in 2009. And, if I may get you started, make Revelation 2:4-5 your first prayer of the New Year and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you on what is next.

Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first Love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first… Rev. 2: 4-5

I will ... I will commit to return to my First Love in 2009.

Be blessed on your journey in the commitments you make to your First Love.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've made a commitment to God that I refuse to go back on. My health is important to me and my son and this is something I have to get control of if I ever want to defeat the devil in any other area of my life.

Live Free!

So, if the Sons sets you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:36