Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2
This summer I acquired a new enemy! It is a large, gray, square box that sits in the midst of our family room. It seems to be constantly making noise and voicing its opinions. It is called the television! Over the summer, I became intensely aggravated with the TV as my children became heavily influenced by this box like never before! The kids developed what I call the sit and stare mindset. They want to sit and stare at a box playing some of the most ridiculous cartoons I have ever heard of. At times I would never know they were with me unless they were hungry or fighting over the remote control. I quickly stepped in and declared war with the TV! I gained control over the TV and I have turned it off this summer more times than I can count. I have forbidden shows, cartoons, and I have put the TV in time out and unplugged it.
I have tried to encourage my children that there are better things in life to do than sit in front of the TV. As I forged through this battle with my children, I thought about how adults can be found acting like children over the TV. Many adults stay tuned in to the latest shows. I know of women who faithfully plan to watch TV and often set the timer to record their favorite soap opera, or sitcom while they are away. I say this is ridiculous! How many times do you sit at the TV with your eyes fixed on something that has no benefit to you or your future life? I am not saying that all TV is bad; however I am challenging you to check your time and what you are allowing to enter your mind.
In the word, God tells us very clearly to fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and the Perfector of our faith. It is very hard to fix our eyes on Jesus when they are fixed on the TV all the time. Our conversation revolves around what we see and hear on TV. Our thoughts ponder the latest soap opera, movie or saga on TV. At this time, there are some of the most ridiculous shows on TV that do not line up with Christian values and yet they get high ratings. How good can this be for us? If God is the Creator, and He is, of the universe then why not fix our eyes on something that can encourage and benefit us. We may be in the prime time of our life with our greatest season ever and miss it because we are too captivated by the square box in the family room, and not the square book called the BIBLE.
There is nothing wrong with watching some TV while you relax, but when the TV is going 12 hours a day, it is time to unplug! (You will not find it playing like that in my house) This may step on toes or seem a little unfair, but we must face the truth! It is so unfair that we are often captivated by a square box TV, instead of Jesus. Think of how many evenings we have all wasted flipping channels trying to find something to watch. We finish out the evening feeling as if we wasted our time and accomplished nothing. There are so many things we could do instead of watch TV. We could spend quality time praying, reading the Bible, listening to worship music, and enjoying peace and quite. We could read a book or find something creative to do, play games with the children or talk to our husband. We could even get real practical and clean house, cook supper, exercise, meet a friend, or just do something productive in life! As Christians we should try to be more like Jesus instead of what Hollywood pushes at us through the tube! We will never grasp what Jesus is like if we do not spend time with Him instead of the TV!
I challenge you to turn the TV off! Fix your eyes on Jesus for a day or an afternoon. Enjoy the quietness for a change. You may really hear God speak!! Would that not be great? Truth is, He is trying to speak and get your attention already. He is trying to perfect your walk; however, you may be too busy in front of the TV to pay attention. It is time to TURN THE TV OFF!
I completely agree! :)
Lisa, I enjoyed your blog entry. I totally agree with you. I live alone and spend every day with the TV off. Of course, maybe I'm one of the lucky ones, in that I don't enjoy sitting and watching TV......shows, as you say, have nothing to offer. Just last week I sat and shed a few tears in revealing to Vernon my thoughts on how we go about our day (and I can only speak for myself) leaving God out of our day when He soooooo wants to be a part. He created us to have a relationship with....to commune with, and yet, we seemingly put everything else ahead of him. I know He must be saddened. It grieves His heart that he cannot get our attention long enough to spend some time with us...quietly and alone. I won't go on and on, even though I could..lol, but I know you understand what I'm trying to say. Let me just close with....How would we feel if our children always put us last, never wanting to spend time with us, always finding seemingly more important things to do instead of communing and having a relationship with us???
Jodi Scully
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