Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV)

I would like to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving. I do not know what life holds for you this Thanksgiving, but I encourage you to give thanks. You are free to read this blog, have eyes to read it with, and a mind to comprehend. Such small things that we take for granted everyday thinking of all that is wrong. We can start by being thankful for the little things. No matter how things look we can continue to press on walking by faith and not by sight.

Take time this Thanksgiving to be thankful for the little things. Be thankful for a warm welcome, or a smile, or the smell of a fresh baked sweet potato pie. Be thankful for your family, home, and the heat you have. Do not forget to thank God for the little things. And while you are at it say thank you to a family member or a friend just for being there. Start practicing with Thanksgiving and let your mouth be one of thankfulness everyday.

No matter what the circumstance God is good. We can all find many things to be thankful for big or small. I hope you have a very blessed Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!


Friday, November 21, 2008

Do you have a favorite child?

Romans 2:11, For God does not show favoritism.

In a burning fire which child would you save? Startling question Huh? This was the talk on a radio show this morning. People were calling and commenting on the answer. Would you have a preference in your children over who to rescue first? Do you have a favorite? Some offered heated comments and others were compassionate in their statement. I can not imagine having to make such a choice. I can not even hypothetically answer it as they were on the radio. However, it did make me stop and think. The fact is, I love all of my children and would give my life for them. Hmm. Give my life.. wow.. I could not stand the thought of having to chose one child over the other. That is impossible and I would give my life trying to save them all.

The way I feel about my children is exactly how God feels about His and then some. God has no favorites when it comes to loving His children. He plans to take care of them all. He has the great rescue plan for His children and it is Jesus. Jesus Christ is for us all. He chose us and gave His life so that we all could live. What he will do for one, He will do for all. God is not a respecter of persons, and He has no favorites. We are all the apple of God's eye. He loves us all the same and willingly gave life in order for us to be saved.

In all honesty, we know that we would do absolutely anything to save our children. That is a big price. Most of us would not hesitate to go in a burning house after our kids. Think of the cross and what He did for you. Jesus did not hesitate to do what He came to earth for. He came to seek and save the lost with his life. Do you feel the love? Do you feel like a favorite being that when He went to the cross He did it especially for you? Enjoy the love of being a child of God today. Know that God gave His all so that you may live. He rescued you from the burning fire of hell when He gave His life. Will you choose Jesus today?

Hug a child today and celebrate life!

Scripture reference: John 3: 16-17, Psalm 17: 8, Luke 20:21

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Living well

The days seem to be getting busier as we approach the Christmas season. Thanksgiving is just around the corner and Christmas will be here before we know it. We get busy and have so much to do and in what seems like so little time during this season. We plan dinners, parties, and shopping trips never seeming to slow down. We try once again to do the juggling act of working out our time and calendars to accommodate everybody and everything. May I encourage you once again to focus on God and the plan He has for you. Don't just fly through the holidays and miss the opportunity. Slow down, enjoy life, and stay focused. Keep the little things in focus during this season and take advantage of opportunities.

There are 8 tips in this one Psalm to living well. This is your invitation to the big dinner party that you do not want to miss.

Psalm 15 taken from The Message Bible:
God, who gets invited to dinner at your place?
How do we get on your guest lists?
Walk straight, act right, tell the truth,
Don't hurt your friend, don't blame your neighbor;
despise the despicable.

Keep your word even if it costs you, make an honest living,
never take a bribe.

You'll never get blacklisted if you live like this.

Keep your focus and make sure you get an invitation to the big dinner. The little things are what matters most. In the long run your schedules, parties, and shopping trips will not matter. No frustration will excuse bad attitudes with the cashier. No full schedule will excuse not walking His way and acting right. Think on these things and enjoy the season. Keep your focus...

Until next time...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What are you doing?

There is never enough time in the day. Time passes by and we ponder what we did today and why time passes so quickly. Some of the most popular time phrases we use are , "I didn't have time" or "If I only had more time, I could......" You could do what? Get busier doing stuff that doesn't matter or would you slow down and seek things that matter? In conversations with women, I often hear the comment "I don't have time". For example, I don't have time to read my Bible or listen to teaching tapes. In other words, what is really being said is that, There is no time to grow in the Lord or seek what He desires." Another great example is, "I don't have time for me." We don't have time to take care of the body(temple) that God has given us. Basically, We set our own agenda with what time we have. We are given 24 hours in a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year to do what we need to do. If we can not accomplish things then we must evaluate our schedule and life The truth is that we do have all the time we need; we just choose to use it in a different way.

With all that said I ask you, " What are you focusing on?" Where are your priorities? Are you putting God first or does He just fit in whenever you get to Him? Sad to say, but sometimes He does not fit in at all and then we wonder why our life is the way it is. We complain about our schedules when we made them to start with. Did we ever consult God about what we needed to do and how to use our time?

I hope I have stirred a little fire in you today. Check yourself. What are you doing with your time and what are you focusing on? Do you feel as though you are sinking in the quick sand with no one throwing you a rope? I am here to throw the rope at you today! I challenge you to slow down, talk to God, and get focused. Change your schedule after asking God to help you manage your life and have a focus. Let the Holy Spirit lead you on a more focused life accomplishing the plans He has for you. Take time to draw near to God and He will draw near to you. He will show you how to focus and better manage your life. Make Him the manager and you become the assistant to your life.

You must first go to God....... ask for direction, be teachable and then walk it out. I ask the question again, What are you focused on?

More to come on focus.... Get focused as you draw near to God.

James 4: 8.. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you...


Encouragement for the day

Be encouraged. Grab you a cup of coffee and have a conversation with God today. I hope this will get you started.

Good morning Lord,

Here we are again blessed with another wonderful day. Thank you for life, love, and joy. You are so faithful and we praise you for that. Thank you that you are God and you never change and you never leave us.
We pray that you guide our steps today. May we not take one step that is not pleasing to you. Forgive us of our shortcomings and failures. Lead us in the way we should walk, for we trust in you. Lead us on level ground through out the day. Guide us by your Holy Spirit to be great vessels of honor as women of God. May we be an encouragement and a light to those around us.
May our Spirit rise up to overcome the desires of the flesh. May we draw near to you God, because your word says that if we draw near to you, you will draw near to us. Thank you Lord, that you desire to be in close relationship with your daughters.

We ask you today to help us to focus on the best things you have for us. May we have a good attitude that is full of joy no matter what we face today. May we use our time wisely and do the things that you have for us. May the doors open that you desire for us to walk through and may others close that are not good for us. Give us a great focus today and help us to walk spirit led as your daughters. May we bring you glory today! In Jesus name!

Until next time...

Friday, November 7, 2008

I'm back.....

Good morning to all!

You may have been wondering where I have been lately. Why is she not writing? Well, I am back. I have been sick and haven't felt like doing much. It is hard to think and write with a headache, cough, and etc. I finally broke down and went to the Dr., which is rare for me. Now that I am doing better it seems sickness wants to visit my husband and kids.

I wanted to inform you so that you could watch for the next blog. I should have it up, hopefully by tomorrow. Blessings to you all and I look forward to hearing from you.


Live Free!

So, if the Sons sets you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:36