He's Alive! Are you? If Jesus lives in your heart then you should be very alive today. So many times we live so far beneath what Jesus intended. When He endured the cross HE thought of you? Are you fully receiving the gift of Jesus Christ and living life to the fullest?
Self-Esteem can be a negative thing for women in keeping them from being alive and living! If your self-esteem is holding you back it is time to take steps to turn it around. Give it to God and live life like Jesus intended! God created you with purpose! Are you walking it out and fulfilling it? OR, are you just sitting, whining and complaining? Sad to say that is what some of you are doing, but whining and complaining will not get you anywhere. Are you stale and stagnate? If you are waiting on someone to tell you that you can do something then stop waiting. God is waiting on you to take some steps of faith and get busy. He is alive in you, right? Then act like you are alive and get moving. Move with the intensity that you know Jesus Christ lives in you. Greater is He that is in YOU , than that which is in the world. HMMM> That is a scripture girls! Stop living beneath what Jesus Christ paid the price for you to have. Reach out and grab hold to truth and get moving. With each step you take things will get better when Jesus is the leader. Encourage yourself! Do not wait on others to do it for you. Jesus is alive and He is alive in you so don't live beat down, discouraged and as if your life is over. Pick yourself up and get moving with Jesus! He is alive! Are you living life as if He is alive in YOU?
This feels like a good kick in the back side. Maybe that is just what we need sometimes. Be encouraged! You are so valueable and God is pleased with His daughters. You are a masterpeice, you are free, forgiven, and new in Christ. Live like it today! There are so many scriptures for this. I'll name a few and you go in search of some more! Ephesians 2:10, 1 John 4:4, Col. 2: 13-14, 2 Cor. 5:17
Be blessed!
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