Be encouraged today! It is my heart's desire that this blog would encourage your self-esteem, determination and walk with God. He created you fearfully and wonderfully made with a great prupose to be "you". It is your God given destiny to live as as a FREE, VICTORIOUS WOMAN! God intends for you to feel great about yourself. Live free to be the woman God created you to be!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The best gift....
And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this [shall be] a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2: 7- 14
John 3: 16, For God so loved the world that he gave his only and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
I hope that you have received the greatest gift ever. I am praising God with you this Christmas over our gift that keeps on giving. Receive Jesus today and allow your life to change. Jesus is the greatest gift!
Merry Christmas. May your Christmas be blessed with every good thing from above.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Let me hear ya!
I know you have good things to say, so I want to hear them.
Drawing will be held January 1 for a free surprise gift.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Do you realize who you are?
Do you realize that God calls you His masterpiece? (Ephesians 2: 10) You are so beautiful to God and He has such great plans for you. He thought of every detail and handcrafted you to be special. (Psalms 139:13-16.) Do you know that?
I encourage you this Christmas to give a gift to yourself. Discover who you are in Christ. You are a Princess of God and it is time for you to KNOW it. Receive the love of Jesus Christ, the best gift ever, and walk into your destiny. ( John 3:16-17).
As a heir of God, (Romans 8: 17) you can walk and live with dignity, purpose and freedom. You are a chosen vessel that has a royal bloodline. (1 Peter 2:9) You are a child of God! Many times women live so defeated and discouraged because they do not know the truth of who they are. Sometimes it is easy to believe the lies of the enemy, but I encourage you to receive the gift of freedom from Jesus. Jesus Christ is the King and YOU are the Princess.
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! 1 John 3:1a
Receive His great love this Christmas. Give yourself a gift and discover the truth of who you are and live FREE!
Blessings of discovery and freedom!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Satisfied or NOT?
How precious is your loving kindness,
O God!
Therefore, the children of men put their trust under
the Shadow of your wings.
They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of your house,
And You give them drink from
the river of Your pleasures.
For with You is the fountain of life.
In your life we see light.
I encourage you to be satisfied and trust God as you receive His covering over your life. His loving kindness is available to His children. As a child of God, you have benefits that others do not have. In Him are the rivers of great pleasure of life that comes in abundance. Allow Him to be the Leader and you be the follower, starting with today and see what happens. Give him your trust first. Don't place your trust in your career, bank account, or whatever else you trust in more than God.
So many times we try to find satisfaction in every thing else and we neglect to look to Jesus. With Jesus you can live an abundantly satisfied life. Who doesn't want that? As His child, enjoy the benefits. Trust him with your life.If you know Him, Trust Him and be satisfied!
If you do not know him then come to Jesus and receive peace, love and joy in abundance.
You can come to know Jesus by simply asking him into your life, asking forgiveness, and making a commitment to profess him as Lord. God is for you! Read John 3:16-17.
Live Abundantly Satisfied!~
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Skip Christmas- No way!
The world has taken on a wrong view of Christmas. Christmas is a time for giving, but not about shopping for a gift to give. How about giving a gift of time or a kind word instead? How about if this Christmas you stopped for a moment and maybe called an old friend or write some letters. Make some new memories with your family. I challenge you to do something different this Christmas.
I encourage you to look at Christmas different. I have seen and heard comments like let's just skip Christmas or I am depressed. Yes, times can be hard but look for the good. It is easy to focus on the negative, but what about the positive? A positive is John 3:16-the greatest Christmas gift ever. God sent his one and only son to save the world,....and that is YOU! Jesus gave the ultimate gift of His life so that you could have love, peace, and joy. Are you celebrating Jesus this Christmas? If you have never received Christ in your heart, then YES, Christmas is a problem for you . You have never received the best gift ever. You don't know the real meaning or the love it brings. Maybe this Christmas is your time to truly do something different for yourself. Give yourself a present, get a heart change.
This Christmas receive the gift of Jesus. It is a priceless gift that lasts forever, brings you great peace and joy that is all for YOU!!! What a great gift! I promise when you receive the gift of Jesus you'll never see Christmas the same again.
Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Get books for free....
I did my first book review on My Little Girl, by Tim McGraw. I got the book for free and enjoyed reading it. I have another book on the way.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
My Little Girl

The book, My Little Girl is a must for all Daddy's and little girls to read. This would make a great Christmas gift for Daddy to give his little girl no matter what the age.
It is a great encouragement for a Daddy to spend time with his daughter. For Dads the book shows that is doesn't take a lot of effort on your part. Don't be afraid to take your daughter on a date! A day of just hanging out with Dad would mean so much to your little girl. Time is a great gift that is often overlooked in our busy society today. The book takes the Dad and daughter on a simple day of just having fun together. It illustrates how little girls need time and not much fancy stuff to put a smile on their face.
McGraw and Douglas have done an outstanding job of catching the attention of Dads and little girls with this book. The illustrations are awesome and they remind me of my own little girl. Making memories with your children is a more valuable gift than any toy on earth. Buy your copy of My Little Girl for that special one in your life and snuggle up as you read this precious story. Then plan your day out with your little girl!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
I would like to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving. I do not know what life holds for you this Thanksgiving, but I encourage you to give thanks. You are free to read this blog, have eyes to read it with, and a mind to comprehend. Such small things that we take for granted everyday thinking of all that is wrong. We can start by being thankful for the little things. No matter how things look we can continue to press on walking by faith and not by sight.
Take time this Thanksgiving to be thankful for the little things. Be thankful for a warm welcome, or a smile, or the smell of a fresh baked sweet potato pie. Be thankful for your family, home, and the heat you have. Do not forget to thank God for the little things. And while you are at it say thank you to a family member or a friend just for being there. Start practicing with Thanksgiving and let your mouth be one of thankfulness everyday.
No matter what the circumstance God is good. We can all find many things to be thankful for big or small. I hope you have a very blessed Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Do you have a favorite child?
In a burning fire which child would you save? Startling question Huh? This was the talk on a radio show this morning. People were calling and commenting on the answer. Would you have a preference in your children over who to rescue first? Do you have a favorite? Some offered heated comments and others were compassionate in their statement. I can not imagine having to make such a choice. I can not even hypothetically answer it as they were on the radio. However, it did make me stop and think. The fact is, I love all of my children and would give my life for them. Hmm. Give my life.. wow.. I could not stand the thought of having to chose one child over the other. That is impossible and I would give my life trying to save them all.
The way I feel about my children is exactly how God feels about His and then some. God has no favorites when it comes to loving His children. He plans to take care of them all. He has the great rescue plan for His children and it is Jesus. Jesus Christ is for us all. He chose us and gave His life so that we all could live. What he will do for one, He will do for all. God is not a respecter of persons, and He has no favorites. We are all the apple of God's eye. He loves us all the same and willingly gave life in order for us to be saved.
In all honesty, we know that we would do absolutely anything to save our children. That is a big price. Most of us would not hesitate to go in a burning house after our kids. Think of the cross and what He did for you. Jesus did not hesitate to do what He came to earth for. He came to seek and save the lost with his life. Do you feel the love? Do you feel like a favorite being that when He went to the cross He did it especially for you? Enjoy the love of being a child of God today. Know that God gave His all so that you may live. He rescued you from the burning fire of hell when He gave His life. Will you choose Jesus today?
Hug a child today and celebrate life!
Scripture reference: John 3: 16-17, Psalm 17: 8, Luke 20:21
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Living well
There are 8 tips in this one Psalm to living well. This is your invitation to the big dinner party that you do not want to miss.
Psalm 15 taken from The Message Bible:
God, who gets invited to dinner at your place?
How do we get on your guest lists?
Walk straight, act right, tell the truth,
Don't hurt your friend, don't blame your neighbor;
despise the despicable.
Keep your word even if it costs you, make an honest living,
never take a bribe.
You'll never get blacklisted if you live like this.
Keep your focus and make sure you get an invitation to the big dinner. The little things are what matters most. In the long run your schedules, parties, and shopping trips will not matter. No frustration will excuse bad attitudes with the cashier. No full schedule will excuse not walking His way and acting right. Think on these things and enjoy the season. Keep your focus...
Until next time...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
What are you doing?
With all that said I ask you, " What are you focusing on?" Where are your priorities? Are you putting God first or does He just fit in whenever you get to Him? Sad to say, but sometimes He does not fit in at all and then we wonder why our life is the way it is. We complain about our schedules when we made them to start with. Did we ever consult God about what we needed to do and how to use our time?
I hope I have stirred a little fire in you today. Check yourself. What are you doing with your time and what are you focusing on? Do you feel as though you are sinking in the quick sand with no one throwing you a rope? I am here to throw the rope at you today! I challenge you to slow down, talk to God, and get focused. Change your schedule after asking God to help you manage your life and have a focus. Let the Holy Spirit lead you on a more focused life accomplishing the plans He has for you. Take time to draw near to God and He will draw near to you. He will show you how to focus and better manage your life. Make Him the manager and you become the assistant to your life.
You must first go to God....... ask for direction, be teachable and then walk it out. I ask the question again, What are you focused on?
More to come on focus.... Get focused as you draw near to God.
James 4: 8.. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you...
Encouragement for the day
Good morning Lord,
Here we are again blessed with another wonderful day. Thank you for life, love, and joy. You are so faithful and we praise you for that. Thank you that you are God and you never change and you never leave us.
We pray that you guide our steps today. May we not take one step that is not pleasing to you. Forgive us of our shortcomings and failures. Lead us in the way we should walk, for we trust in you. Lead us on level ground through out the day. Guide us by your Holy Spirit to be great vessels of honor as women of God. May we be an encouragement and a light to those around us.
May our Spirit rise up to overcome the desires of the flesh. May we draw near to you God, because your word says that if we draw near to you, you will draw near to us. Thank you Lord, that you desire to be in close relationship with your daughters.
We ask you today to help us to focus on the best things you have for us. May we have a good attitude that is full of joy no matter what we face today. May we use our time wisely and do the things that you have for us. May the doors open that you desire for us to walk through and may others close that are not good for us. Give us a great focus today and help us to walk spirit led as your daughters. May we bring you glory today! In Jesus name!
Until next time...
Friday, November 7, 2008
I'm back.....
You may have been wondering where I have been lately. Why is she not writing? Well, I am back. I have been sick and haven't felt like doing much. It is hard to think and write with a headache, cough, and etc. I finally broke down and went to the Dr., which is rare for me. Now that I am doing better it seems sickness wants to visit my husband and kids.
I wanted to inform you so that you could watch for the next blog. I should have it up, hopefully by tomorrow. Blessings to you all and I look forward to hearing from you.
Monday, October 27, 2008
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; therefore honor God with your body.
I am on the First Place Journey of changing my lifestyle. I am seeking God's direction on a healthy lifestyle of eating and exercise. I have a weight loss goal however, my main motive is to be healthy and live well. God calls us to take care of our temple and we are given one lifetime to care for it properly. God has completely changed my mindset in this area of my life. Since, I am nearing 40 I guess it could be said that I was in the wilderness of carelessness for 40 years. Thank God He is bringing me out!
I challenge you to examine your lifestyle and seek first the kingdom of God and then all other things will be added unto you. (see Mathew 6:26)
Scriptures to read: Isaiah 1: 17-19, Luke 12: 24-31, 1 Corinthians 10:23 & 31
I am writing a new Bible Study on living a healthy lifestyle. I'll be posting some of it on my blog. Be sure to read the previous posts, " Short term pleasure" as well.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Short term pleasure.
I have a value for you! It is the best value meal ever, or is it? How about selling your blessing for a bowl of stew, a burger, or a good drink. "No way!" you say. But, how often do we sell it without a thought? For example, the fast food restaurants tempt us with the value and combo meals all for less than $5 bucks or even a $1. It may be a value for the pocketbook, but is it really a true, beneficial value? Honestly, a greasy cheeseburger, french fries, and a large sweet iced tea is far from a value meal! However, value or not we seem to think they taste great and indulge in them regardless.
What is the value here? The real value should be on you and your choice to live well. What we see as a temporary value for the appetite and pocketbook becomes very costly in the long run. Think of this, if fat goes in then we get...hmm well, need I say anymore. When we neglect to take care of our bodies by not eating healthy we pay the price. This is called the Esau Syndrome. For the moment the value meal seems like the best choice, however, little by little the quality of our health and life is sold away at the cost of a so called value meal. Is it worth it to satisfy a temporary appetite instead of the blessing in the long run? Esau sold the blessing of his birthright for a pot of stew. Are you selling yours too?
To many times we sacrifice the good things to satisfy the temporary fleshly moment. We eat unhealthy, make bad choices, and get ourselves in a mess over our fleshly desires. The next time you are faced with food choices or any other choice, ask yourself, " Is this of any true value to me?" Will this benefit my health and life, or am I selling the blessings? We can't have the Esau syndrome and the blessing of God at the same time. A choice must be made on what we value most.
In the Message Hebrews 12:16 reads, "Watch out for the Esau syndrome: trading away God's life long gift in order to satisfy a short term appetite. You well know Esau later regretted that impulsive act and wanted God's blessing- but by then it was too late, tears or no tears."
How many times have we been an Esau in our impulsive act and then had regret and tears later? The struggle with flesh could be with anything, not just food. The Esau syndrome could be evident in more than one area of your life. Take a moment to stop and examine your life to make sure you are not forfeiting your blessing. Check to see where you are placing your value.
Put the value on the gift of life God has given you and live life with no regrets!
Dear Lord,
Give the strength to stand strong and say "NO". You are the source of life and may the blessing of long life be ours. May we be led by the Holy Spirit to make good choices that will lead us to blessing. In Jesus name.
Based on the Jacob/Esau story in Genesis 25: 19-34
Until next time...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Are you an imitator?
One Sunday after church my kids were sharing about children’s church. My 6 year old son had led prayer in front of all the children using a microphone. “ That’s great!” I exclaimed. I tried asking him what he prayed and before he could answer my daughter rolled out a response. With excitement she said, “Mommy, he sounded like you praying.” Wow! With tears in my eyes I was reminded that they do listen and watch what I do.
The scripture, “Be imitators of God,” comes to mind when thinking about my children‘s conversation. As children of God we need to focus on what our Heavenly Father does and copy Him. Just as children have their eyes and ears on what we say and do; we need to keep focused on God. We, as Christians, need to be imitators of God so that those watching us will imitate God by our example.
Are you imitating God today? Stop and think of who is watching you and copying what you do. Be encouraged in imitating God to be the best you can be.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Help me to see you in truth and to imitate everything about you. Lead and guide me to be Christ like in everything that I do. May I produce good so those that are watching me can see You in all that I do. In Jesus name. Amen
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The cliff dive experience
Up the 7 flights of stairs my son and I climbed to the top of the cliff dive slide at the water park. I moved nervously in to the wading pool at the start of the slide. I sat down staring into a green, dark, circular tube in which the end could not be seen. I progressed to make my way forward through the tube anticipating the big drop in a about 20 feet or so. Wrong! Suddenly, I slowed down and then stopped! I could not get going again. I found myself working my way forward as if I were an inch worm trying to escape the bird chasing me. I began to feel the green tube closing in and there seemed to be no water flowing. I could tell my breathing was getting faster and my heart rate was increasing. I did the only thing I knew to do as I inched forward. I prayed! Jesus get me out! I am afraid! I knew that my 6 foot, 150 lb. teenager was right behind me. I could just see him sailing right over the top of me and pushing me over the edge. Not a good feeling.
As I moved forward at a slow rate of pace, I continued to pray and call to Jesus for help. I had to rely on Jesus in that moment because anxiety was taking over! I was afraid! Just in time, I reached the end of the tube and quickly took a fast feet-first dive to the bottom. Thank you Lord! Once again He came through for me! I can always trust Jesus no matter what kind of stuff I get myself into. No more cliff dives for me!
Dear Lord, Thank you that I can always call on you when I am afraid. Lead me to trust you and depend on you in every circumstance. When I am afraid I will trust you. Amen.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Unpacking your fleshly baggage!
This is a summary of the Joyce Meyer message on Friday morning at the Relentless Women's Conference.
Are you walking on the broad or narrow path? In respect to the verse above all of us would probably like to say " The narrow", of course. The narrow path and gate is small, and it leads to life. Broad is the easy path and many of us walk through it. On the narrow path there is no room for junk. We can all testify that we have some junk in our lives we must deal with. Let's not be fake here... Ladies, it is time to unpack your fleshly baggage. It will not fit through the narrow gate. Got your attention? Good!
Be determined to walk on the narrow path that leads to life. In order to do that we must examine our life. We must check our goals, motives, and attitudes. Going one step further we must check our mindsets, how we treat people, and how we see ourselves. The narrow path calls us to unpack some stuff that we just don't need. We often find that we can get real comfortable with our junk. The narrow path requires confrontation as we are limited in what can go with us on the narrow path. Let's look a little closer.
Check and unpack your baggage:
1. Anger, resentment, and bitterness will not fit.
2. Guilt, condemnation and unforgiveness are too big to fit.
3. Poor pitiful attitudes will not work. Are you pitiful or powerful?
Do you get the point? What do you need to unpack in your life to get through the narrow gate? The broad path is wide and requires no unpacking, but eventually you will get tired of carrying it around. Sooner or later you will add more luggage and frustration. Why not go at life a little lighter? Start unpacking today!
More to come later....
In His love,
Lesia Glick
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The new word- Relentless
While walking today with my girl friends. We discussed the word and what it means. I told them I liked it so much I changed my blog title to Relentless Women's Encouragement. We had an encouraging discussion together on being relentless. It is a hot topic for me to share with everyone I talk to.
I so want to be faithful to my Heavenly Father. I want to be relentless for Him. Oh! There is more to relentless. This is a new thought from one of the girls: God is so relentless for us! God is steady, unwavering and always faithful to us, His children. Awesome! I serve a relentless God and I want to be relentless like Him! He is and always will be relentless in everything. I thank God that HE is RELENTLESS!
I have more to come on being Relentless. In the next blog I'll be summing up Joyce Meyers teaching at the Women's Conference.
I hope to get it posted ASAP. Are you practicing being a relentless woman?
Until next time.... Be relentless!
Lesia Glick
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Relentless or NOT?
Relentless! What does it mean to be relentless? It is steady, unwaivering, and making up your mind to stay. For a Christian being relentless is having staying power with God. No matter what we face in life we can stand and WE WIN!
As Christians we have so much power to help us be relentless. This victory overcame the world and gave that same power to us. It is time for us to fight with the same relentless power and NEVER GIVE UP! No matter what life throws at us - We win! Hard times may come and go, however, when we are relentless to God- We STILL WIN!
1 John 5: 4-5 for everyone born of God, overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus in the Son of God.
Our faith in who we are in Christ will overcome what comes at us. When we stand relentless in our faith how can we lose? We have to prepare ourself to be relentless in EVERYTHING given. Sometimes we can be relentless in some areas and not others. We must keep the faith and don't lose heart. What does this all mean to you? What is the last thing that God has asked you to be faithful in? Are you or not? Are you faithful in the little things? Think about what areas in your life that you are not relentless for God. Where do you not have the faith? I challenge you to take time to pray and ask God as you examine your own life. Ask God to show you where improvement is needed and then go for being RELENTLESS!
I encourage you to NEVER GIVE UP! Be determined to be a RELENTLESS WOMAN OF GOD! Stand and say I will NOT waiver no matter what.
Blessings to you until next time.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Joyce Meyer, Relentless Women's Conference
I just want to take time to share with you about my trip this past weekend to St. Louis, Missouri. I attended the Joyce Meyer Women's Conference, "Relentless". It was extraordinary! Everything about the trip was great! A friend and I traveled together and it was a blast. God had his hand on us the entire time and we knew He was with us every step. In the airport, to driving the rental car, to finding our way around; He made His presence obvious to us. I thank God for such an awesome time. I was nervous about 2 women in a strange city and all the big city traffic I must admit. We had nothing to worry because HE made it so easy!
The Conference meetings were held in downtown St. Louis at the Edward Jones Super Dome. It started on Thursday and ended on Saturday. Thursday night we enjoyed a great message from Creflo Dollar. Friday we got a double dose of Joyce Meyer, in the morning and evening session. Saturday morning Lisa Bevere encourage us to be relentless in flourishing into what God wants us to be. Friday afternoon Joyce challenged us to be relentless women and make a difference in the world.
We experienced great worship with Darlene Zschech from Hillsong and Yolanda Adams. It was all great. Over the next few days I will be sharing with you more details from the Conference. I believe it was life changing and I want to share it with you. Keep checking in for details. I will share parts of the messages and scriptures.
I believe it is time for women to be Relentless in their walk with God. Relentless means to be unwaivering, steady, faithful beyond the norm! Are you ready to be RELENTLESS?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Yell Help!
The alarm sounds, and my feet hit the floor as I groan at what is before me. It’s time to get my three children up and ready for school. As the morning progresses, and we get ready to run out the door, the chaos escalates. One has on no shoes and another is still brushing her hair. I know that you mothers can relate to this moment. Frustration rises and I feel as if a fuse is about to blow! I don’t understand why it has to be chaotic. Suddenly, as I rushed around, I recalled a certain verse that teaches me to yell “help” in times of trouble. Instead of yelling at the kids I called, “Help me, Lord“. I felt such a calming sensation of peace come over me. We survived the chaos and none of us blew a fuse!
God is our ever present help in times of trouble no matter what the situation is. He is concerned with helping me get the kids to school: no need to get frustrated. Often times we only look to God for help in what we consider big issues or problems. Be encouraged that God is concerned with even our smallest frustration.
Dear Lord,
Thank you that we are blessed with life. May we learn to call on you in all situations. Help us Lord, through our daily routines of life. In Jesus name, Amen
Friday, September 19, 2008
Followers sign up.
I would like to invite you to be a blog follower! Simply click on the icons to the right that are titled "posts" and sign up. You'll receive updates that come straight to your e-mail.
I am thankful for my readers and would love to hear from you! Sign up today so that you can be the first to get the new blog. Be blessed and enjoy your day.
A great wall!
During World War II, a US marine was separated from his unit on a Pacific Island. The fighting had been intense, and in the smoke and the crossfire he had lost touch with his comrades.
Alone in the jungle, he could hear enemy soldiers coming in his direction. Scrambling for cover, he found his way up a high ridge to several small caves in the rock. Quickly he crawled inside one of the caves. Although safe for the moment, he realized that once the enemy soldiers looking for him swept up the ridge, they would quickly search all the caves and he would be killed.
As he waited, he prayed, "Lord, if it be your will, please protect me. Whatever your will though, I love you and trust you. Amen."
After praying, he lay quietly listening to the enemy begin to draw close. He thought, "Well, I guess the Lord isn't going to help me out of this one.." Then he saw a spider begin to build a web over the front of his cave.
As he watched, listening to the enemy searching for him all the while, the spider layered strand after strand of web across the opening of the cave.
"Ha, he thought. "What I need is a brick wall and what the Lord has sent me is a spider web. God does have a sense of humor."
As the enemy drew closer he watched from the darkness of his hideout and could see them searching one cave after another. As they came to his, he got ready to make his last stand. To his amazement, however, after glancing in the direction of his cave, they moved on. Suddenly, he realized that with the spider web over the entrance, his cave looked as if no one had entered for quite a while. "Lord, forgive me," prayed the young man. "I had forgotten that in you a spider's web is stronger than a brick wall."
We all face times of great trouble. When we do, it is so easy to forget the victories that God would work in our lives, sometimes in the most surprising ways. As the great leader, Nehemiah, reminded the people of Israel when they faced the task of rebuilding Jerusalem, "In God we will have success!" [Nehemiah 2:20]
Remember: Whatever is happening in your life, with God, a mere spider's web can become a brick wall of protection. Believe He is with you always. Just speak His name through Jesus His son, and you will see His great power and love for you.
Source UnknownMonday, September 15, 2008
Fun Blog!
Fall is just around the corner and with it comes great change. The trees change colors and the leaves start to fall.
Here is my question to you:
Would you like to be the first leaf to fall from the tree or the last?
Give this some thought and write me back.
I'll share my thoughts later!
Monday, September 1, 2008
What are your eyes on?
This summer I acquired a new enemy! It is a large, gray, square box that sits in the midst of our family room. It seems to be constantly making noise and voicing its opinions. It is called the television! Over the summer, I became intensely aggravated with the TV as my children became heavily influenced by this box like never before! The kids developed what I call the sit and stare mindset. They want to sit and stare at a box playing some of the most ridiculous cartoons I have ever heard of. At times I would never know they were with me unless they were hungry or fighting over the remote control. I quickly stepped in and declared war with the TV! I gained control over the TV and I have turned it off this summer more times than I can count. I have forbidden shows, cartoons, and I have put the TV in time out and unplugged it.
I have tried to encourage my children that there are better things in life to do than sit in front of the TV. As I forged through this battle with my children, I thought about how adults can be found acting like children over the TV. Many adults stay tuned in to the latest shows. I know of women who faithfully plan to watch TV and often set the timer to record their favorite soap opera, or sitcom while they are away. I say this is ridiculous! How many times do you sit at the TV with your eyes fixed on something that has no benefit to you or your future life? I am not saying that all TV is bad; however I am challenging you to check your time and what you are allowing to enter your mind.
In the word, God tells us very clearly to fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and the Perfector of our faith. It is very hard to fix our eyes on Jesus when they are fixed on the TV all the time. Our conversation revolves around what we see and hear on TV. Our thoughts ponder the latest soap opera, movie or saga on TV. At this time, there are some of the most ridiculous shows on TV that do not line up with Christian values and yet they get high ratings. How good can this be for us? If God is the Creator, and He is, of the universe then why not fix our eyes on something that can encourage and benefit us. We may be in the prime time of our life with our greatest season ever and miss it because we are too captivated by the square box in the family room, and not the square book called the BIBLE.
There is nothing wrong with watching some TV while you relax, but when the TV is going 12 hours a day, it is time to unplug! (You will not find it playing like that in my house) This may step on toes or seem a little unfair, but we must face the truth! It is so unfair that we are often captivated by a square box TV, instead of Jesus. Think of how many evenings we have all wasted flipping channels trying to find something to watch. We finish out the evening feeling as if we wasted our time and accomplished nothing. There are so many things we could do instead of watch TV. We could spend quality time praying, reading the Bible, listening to worship music, and enjoying peace and quite. We could read a book or find something creative to do, play games with the children or talk to our husband. We could even get real practical and clean house, cook supper, exercise, meet a friend, or just do something productive in life! As Christians we should try to be more like Jesus instead of what Hollywood pushes at us through the tube! We will never grasp what Jesus is like if we do not spend time with Him instead of the TV!
I challenge you to turn the TV off! Fix your eyes on Jesus for a day or an afternoon. Enjoy the quietness for a change. You may really hear God speak!! Would that not be great? Truth is, He is trying to speak and get your attention already. He is trying to perfect your walk; however, you may be too busy in front of the TV to pay attention. It is time to TURN THE TV OFF!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
His Princess - His Masterpiece
God, our Father, is the potter and we belong to Him, and what He created is good. You, my dear friend, are God’s handiwork. There is not one woman that God, the Potter, has created that He is not pleased with His creation. You are like clay in His hands, and He will shape and mold you to be just what He decides. He is still creating good things just like back in the book of Genesis when He created Eve. He is still the Creator today! When He created you He created a beautiful masterpiece, and it is good! He is still working on you today!
You must start right now by fully believing in what His word says about you. Allow the Holy Spirit to show you how special you are to God. You must grab hold to the Father and realize how special you are to Him, just because you are YOU! Realizing your uniqueness and preciousness to God will be the start of a healthy self-esteem. It is time that you realize the woman you are in Christ, and let the Holy Spirit heal and restore what has been lost. There is obtainable healing through Christ if you will just receive.
Other scripture reference: Ephesians 2:10, Psalms 139:13-16
Be blessed!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Invitation to comment and free book give away!
I invite each of you to post comments on the blog. I would love to hear your thoughts on posted blogs. It is helpful to hear from my readers. You can submit comments and questions that could possibly be topics of discussions as well.
For each visitor that posts a comment with e-mail included I will enter them into a drawing for a free book. You will receive a free copy of Free To Be A Princess Self-Esteem Bible Study.
I will draw from visitors comments posted between August 22, 2008 through August 28, 2008 and submit them in the drawing. Please be sure to include your e-mail in the comment so that I may reach you. You may also e-mail me at for further questions or comments.
I am looking forward to hearing from you!
You must post a comment on the blog to enter in the drawing.
I don't have time! Why not?
The clock is my dictator, I shall not rest.
It makes me lie down only when exhausted.
It leads me into deep depression.
It hounds my soul.
It leads me in circles of frenzy, for activities sake.
Even though I run frantically from task to task, I will never get it all done.
For my ideal is with me.
Deadlines and my need for approval, they drive me.
They demand performance from me, beyond the limits of my schedule.
They anoint my head with migraines,
My in-basket overflows.
Surely fatigue and time pressures shall follow me
All the days of my life,
And I will dwell in the bonds of frustration
--Source Unknown. (Inspirational
Does this ring true for you? You may be thinking what does this have to do with self-esteem. Think about it. If your too busy to stop and listen to God, then how can He show you your value to Him? Just knowing the truth of who you are and who you belong to is encouraging. The first key in having a healthy self-esteem is having the God confidence of being whole and complete in Christ.
Take a moment, slow down, and spend time with God. He so desires to show you His love and how precious you are to Him. He is trying to get your attention! Take control and dictate your clock. Set aside time to spend with God!
Be blessed!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Self-Esteem Boosters
- Be positive!
- Think on good things. Phil 4:8
- Take the word "I can't" out of your vocabulary
- Speak life and encourage yourself!!
- Encourage others
- Receive a compliment with a simple "thank you".
- Spend time with girlfriends that are close to God and are upbeat about life. It may be time to get some new friends! Get some eagles in your life! ( Watch for a blog on this one)
- Take care of your self daily. Eat right, exercise, laugh, fix yourself up daily even if you are staying home.
- Read the Bible!
- Talk to God daily and LISTEN!
" God sees our Possibilities" It is so wonderful and comforting to know that when everyone else, including us , only sees our faults, God sees our possibilities. quote from Joyce Meyer, Daily Calendar.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
You are beautiful!
You are beautiful! God sees you as His daughter, a Princess of the King, and you are beautiful.
You are more beautiful that the grandest sunset, the most awesome award winning rose, and the greatest masterpiece ever designed. God sees His children as His best creation! You are a child of God, fearfully and wonderfully crafted by the hand of God. You are the best and most beautiful creation known to God!
Rejoice in who you are today. I encourage you to change the way you view yourself. Profess what God created, not what your mind and others come up with. You are beautiful to God and there is nothing that can separate you from the love of God. (Romans 8)
Scripture reference: Psalms 139:13-16, Ephesians 2: 10
Sunday, June 29, 2008
The stream
I noticed that not all of the stream was flowing the same. In some places the water trickled over the rocks and in other places it was completely still. It had one area where the water was rapidly moving with power to move the twigs in its way. In that moment God got my attention! The Holy Spirit prompted my spirit that I needed to "listen". Be still and listen as I teach you about me! WOW!
The stream began to encourage me on life. God was showing me that He is forever flowing in my life by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes the Holy Spirit is still or quiet, yet other times He is like a small trickle leading me over the rocks of life. God even began to show me that at times the Holy Spirit can be like a raging river rapidly moving with power! There are times in our life when we need God to be the still small voice and other times we need the Holy Spirit to come in with force like a rushing river, with the power to move whatever is in the way. God will be what we need at the time of our hurt, crisis, and even in our joy.
At the very moment we accepted Jesus we received the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is forever in our favor and seeking the best for us. We must, however, be attentive to Him, taking the time to stop and listen to the stream of God in our lives. If we will stop and listen the Holy Spirit, He will guide us no matter what the situation. Maybe you need God to come in like a rushing river, but will you be attentive when He does? Or maybe you just need a touch of quietness and peace in your day. Will you be attentive? The Bible tells us that He will be our Comforter, Counselor and Best Friend. The Holy Spirit is available to encourage, to teach, and to lead us in the right direction. (John 14-16)
Listen! God will encourage you and lead you. He knows the best way. I encourage you to listen to the stream, inside of your heart called the Holy Spirit. Be attentive. Take time to stop and listen to the stream that is flowing. Enjoy the presence of the it and you'll be refreshed and rejuvenated when you do! Be captivated by the stream in your life!
Whoever believes in me as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within in him. John 7:38
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Qualified? Are you qualified? In this day, you hear the word qualify many times and in various circumstances. Large companies want qualified people, and colleges want those that qualify for acceptance and scholarships. Real estate agents question potential clients quickly with “Are you prequalified?” I know in talking to many women, I have found that as a whole we will try to qualify ourselves. We question our abilities and talents wondering, am I really qualified to do this? Sometimes a woman will question whether she is qualified to serve God! Our world today sends us the message that if you don’t qualify, then it is not going to happen. It is sort of a Qualify or Else Theory. Thank God that He has no prequalification! No matter who or what walk of life you come from, all you have to do is confess your sins, ask forgiveness, and accept Him as your Savior. No paperwork! You qualify! Praise God!
You have been qualified by Christ to share in the inheritance with God’s holy people. You have an inheritance because of the King of Kings, Jesus Christ. God considers His children special, and you are a child of God. You are His princess! I want you to see the future that you have because you are in Christ. You are no longer who you used to be, and it is time to move forward in Christ. Hold your head up, smile big, and call yourself a precious child of God! It is vital to your self-esteem healing that you see how precious you are to God and the inheritance you have because of Christ. A princess walks with strength and dignity, and that is what God is calling you to do. To begin to see yourself differently, you must look at the change that took place when you gave your life to Christ. When you received Christ into your life, you received so much more than just your salvation. You received His love, His healing, His restoration, His victory, His forgiveness, His compassion, and so much more. Often we fail to realize the magnitude of the gift in our salvation. You accepted Christ as your Savior; now accept Him as your Healer. Let Him walk you into all that He has for you through Christ. He freely qualified you; now walk
into your rightful place as a princess!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Lead me on level ground!
This past April my husband and I took a trip of a lifetime to Hawaii. It was fabulous! While there we were the typical tourists taking in all the sites and enjoying the tropical islands. We booked special tours that would allow us to see parts of the island that we couldn’t get to by car. One of our favorite tours was when we kayaked up the river into the rain forest to a Secret Water fall. The only way to get to the Secret Waterfall was to go by kayak and then hike a trail through the rain forest.
On the day of our tour we started at 7 a.m. in the morning meeting our tour guide and getting a kayak lesson. We were at the mercy of our tour guide for the day as to what to do and where to go. The guide got us started in the kayak and away we paddled down the river which was calm and easy. There was not a lot to navigate until it came time to stop. We pulled our kayaks ashore and wondered which way next? It all looked the same to me and my husband. Once again we looked to our trusted tour guide for direction. We had no idea where to go!
However, our tour guide was exceptional! He was very knowledgeable of the rainforest, the trail, and was concerned about our safety. He would tell us where to watch our step and tell us when to follow him for a detour. He knew the danger spots of the trail where water washes out or rocks slide. He said the trail can always change, but he knew the way. Some of the trail was rocky, up hill, twisting, and through the wet ground of a rainforest. At one point, we were walking on the very edge of a cliff with no rails and a raging river below us. As long as we stepped where the guide instructed all was great! We followed him so that we would stay on course and be safe. Can you imagine the trip without a tour guide? We may still be there today! I was so thankful for our tour guide. He led us to a beautiful waterfall that was breathtaking! I love waterfalls, and this Secret Waterfall was 130 feet tall, undisturbed, hidden in the mountains of Kauai, Hawaii. Beautiful!
In remembrance of this awesome experience I can’t help, but to compare it to my walk with God. God so desires to lead me on level ground that He has given me the Holy Spirit as my own personal “tour guide” through this journey of life. I can be led through good times and the bad times because He knows the way and His word says, “He will never let the righteous fall”. I can go through life balanced and steady no matter what is going on around me. How often do we attempt a journey, tasks, and even daily life without a tour guide? We try to handle it all and be in control, as if we know the way and what is best. We try to juggle the husband, kids, house, career, church, and all of it sometimes following our own plan rarely consulting the tour guide. If we will allow God to lead us and trust him like I did the tour guide, He will always lead us on level ground even if life gets like a raging river. Sure, we may have some hills, and valleys, but the Holy Spirit will always lead us the best way. We have to ask the Holy Spirit to be the “tour guide” for the day, give him permission to lead, and trust His guidance! Every morning we need to ask him to teach us to do His will and then be led by the Spirit on level ground. We all need help not to get entangled by the confusion of a wrong path, a mistaken turn, or to step off into the unknown without asking for his guidance.
I challenge you to ask yourself and God where you have stepped off the level ground without His guidance. I encourage you to stop and follow your “tour guide”. The Holy Spirit will lead you on the level ground that God has laid out for you. The journey to the beauty of all that God has for you will be worth it because He so desires to pour out His spiritual blessings along the way. Why not follow Him, walk in peace, and in step with a solid footing rather than going out on your own? Seek God, Seek the Ultimate Tour Guide, and walk through life on LEVEL GROUND!!
A word to mom's of teenage boys
I thought I would share something that was very interesting as the mother of a teenage boy. Pass it along if you like it applies to both boys and girls.
I am reading a book titled Shaping the Man inside the Teenage Boy, surviving and enjoying these extraordinary years by Bill Beausay. It is really a great book and I recommend it to all who have a teenage boy!!
To paraphrase, the author stated that “…he learned a lot from an interview with a big drug lord”. He asked how he could get so many kids to come his way. What is it that you do to attract them? The reply was “I am there". I am at their school, on the streets and every where they are. You (the parent or the church) are not! I AM! I, the drug lord, am willing to talk, listen etc. How about the parent? In other words the drug lord is right where they are getting involved. Where are the parents?
His suggestion is that parents need an in your face approach to getting involved in their sons life. If parents don't someone else will. How often do parents drop kids off at school, football games, events, etc. and never look back - and even church youth events? How about parties or kid hang outs where the parents have never checked into the other kids or the place???
Made me stop and think. Do I want to be involved or leave the door open for someone else to???? HMMMM. Parents of teenagers in this age need to WAKE UP!!!
Just thought I would share and you could pass this along to parents of teens.
Lesia Glick